SunYou Track delivery tracking

SunYou tracking numbers

What is a SunYou tracking number?

A track number is a digital or alphanumeric individual number assigned to a registered postal item. The tracking code allows you to quickly track a registered letter, parcel, parcel, or cargo and find out its location.

Where to find SunYou tracking numbers

SunYou tracking numbers can be found in the following places:

  • When your package is shipped, SunYou will send an email with the tracking number and details of your shipment.

  • If you place an order from an online store, the tracking number is usually listed in your order history or the shipment tracking section.

  • If you have a SunYou account, you can check your tracking numbers directly on their official website under your account or in your shipment history.

  • If you receive a physical receipt from SunYou or a third-party delivery service, the tracking number will be listed there.

If you cannot find the tracking number, you can contact SunYou customer support.

SunYou tracking number formats

SunYou tracking number usually consists of a series of alphanumeric characters, starting with the letters “SYUS” followed by 8 digits.

The SunYou tracking number format follows this pattern: SYUSxxxxxxxx.

  • SY: Indicates the carrier is SunYou.

  • US: Denotes the destination country, in this case, the United States.

  • xxxxxxxx: Represents a unique 8-digit number assigned to the shipment.

This unique identifier, specific to each package, provides accurate tracking from the point of origin to the final delivery destination. This system ensures accurate and reliable tracking updates provided to customers.

SunYou tracking statuses

Common SunYou tracking statuses and their meanings



Action Required

Acceptance, Sent to the United States

The shipment is accepted and dispatched from the origin country.

No action is required; just monitor progress.

Departed from Port of Origin

The package has left the port of origin and is on its way to the destination.

No action is required; continue tracking.

Arrived at the Port of Origin

The shipment has reached the departure port.

No action is required; ensure correct customs clearance if needed.

Customs cleared in the country of origin

Customs clearance is completed in the origin country.

No action is required; continue to monitor progress.

Customs Clearance in progress

The package is going through customs checks in the destination country.

Be prepared to provide additional documentation if requested.

Arrived at Destination Country Airport

The package has reached the destination country's airport.

No action is required; the package will proceed to customs and final delivery.

Customs Clearance was completed

The package has cleared customs and is ready for delivery.

Monitor for final delivery notifications.

The shipment is in transit

The package is in transit to the final delivery facility.

No action is required; keep tracking for updates.

Arrived at Facility

The package has reached a local facility for further processing.

No action is required; the package will be routed to the regional delivery facility soon.

Arrived at Regional Facility

The package has arrived at a regional facility closer to the destination.

No action is required; the package is near final delivery.

Delivery in Progress

The package is out for final delivery to the recipient.

Prepare for delivery; ensure someone is available to receive the package.


The package has been successfully delivered to the recipient.

No action is required; confirm receipt of the package. If there are any issues, contact customer service.

Comparison of SunYou mailing services


Pricing Structure

Delivery Speeds

Additional Features

Maximum Weight

Shunyoubao Express

Competitive rates based on weight and destination

$10-$30 for small packages

5-10 business days (international)

E-commerce focus, tracking, door-to-door delivery

Up to 20 kg

Shunsubao Express

Affordable rates for small businesses

$15-$40 for small packages

7-12 business days (international)

Specialized in e-commerce, reliable tracking

Up to 20 kg

Shunsu Express

Varies, typically lower for bulk shipments

$20-$50 for small packages

3-7 business days (international)

Fast delivery, global reach, reliable tracking

Up to 30 kg

Shynjiyi Special Line

Custom pricing based on service and cargo

$40-$100 for small packages

7-15 business days (international)

Special handling, secure delivery for high-value items

Up to 50 kg

Contact information for SunYou

SunYou customer service channels:

  • Phone: You can call this customer service hotline - +86 400-607-5388 for immediate support and inquiries about your shipment. This is the best option if you need quick updates, urgent assistance, or clarification on delivery status.

  • Website: The SunYou website offers tracking services, information on shipping policies, and a platform for managing your shipments. You can track your package using your tracking number, check for updates on service disruptions, and get FAQs.

  • Email: This email address [email protected] is available for detailed inquiries or issues that might require documentation, such as problems with shipping, customs issues, or if you need to clarify any discrepancies related to your shipment.